In 2003, Camille Ponsin directed his first documentary shot in Nepal: Ingénieurs, Sherpas et boîtes de conserves (KS Visions - TLM, 52’), selected at the festival Documentaries sur Grand Ecran and the Festival du Film Environnemental de Paris (2004).
His second film, Les Demoiselles de Nankin (Link – Public Sénat, 52’), which was shot in China over a year-long period, was particularly well-received. This documentary was awarded the Michel Mitrani prize at the FIPA 2008 and was widely shown in France (on Arte and the Public Sénat channel), as well as internationally.
His third film Bollywood Boulevard (Quark/France 5, 75’) was selected in the category creative documentary at the FIPA 2011, Etoile de la Scam 2012, and was broadcast primetime on France 5, and was both a critical and ratings success.
In 2013, he shot Le droit au baiser (LCP/Electrick films, 52’) in Istanbul. This documentary won the Jury Prize at the Fipa 2014, and at the festival Telas de Sao Paulo, in addition to the High School Prize at the Primed in Marseille.
In 2017 he directed a collection of 3 x 52’ on young elite athletes. Une jeunesse aux sommets (France 3).
In 2021 he finished Mary-Jo will see you at 4, his first feature film for the cinema.